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Quirliger Fun-Vierleiner –
fuer Koenner und
ambitionierte Einsteiger.

+ Street Experience







Vierleiner fuer Indoor- und Outdooreinsatz.
Der SUBVISION kann fliegerisch alles, was auch sein großer Bruder "Vision" kann:
Propellerspins, horizontale und vertikale Sideslips, das Fliegen Upside-Down: Der SUBVISION setzt dem geuebten 4-Leiner Piloten durch sein exaktes Flugverhalten keine Grenzen.
Der SUBVISION ist im Gegensatz zum Vision nicht mit einer Gaze-Leitkante ausgeruestet - nicht nur, um Gewicht zu sparen, sondern auch, weil die durch den Gazestreifen verhinderte turbulente Abstroemung erst bei hoeheren Windgeschwindigkeiten auftritt.
Indoor kann der SUBVISION sowohl mit als auch ohne Waage geflogen werden, jedoch wird die Serie ausschließlich mit montierter Waage geliefert.

aktuell nicht in produktion !

Segeltuch Polyester 34g
Paneele 4
Kantenlaenge/mm 1000
Spannweite/cm 190
Gestaenge Carbonrohr 4mm
Windbereich Indoor bis 3 Bft.
  0,1 - 20 kmh
Schnur-Zugkraft 25 - 45 daN
Geraeusch leise
Fluggewicht (g) 96
Lieferumfang Koecher+Manual
Art-Nummer 29664
empf. VK-Preis € 75,00
mit Leinenset auf Anfrage


"Subvision - Dieser Testdrachen hat mit Abstand die laengste Zeit in unseren Taschen verbracht, bis er hier zur Vorstellung kommt. Das liegt mit daran, dass ich persoenlich mit diesem Modell nie richtig warm geworden bin. Zum einen ist er mit seinem leichten Tuch fuer wenig Wind gedacht, zum anderen setzt er mit seiner harten Vortrimmung der Waage und dem gut durchgespannten Segel die Manoever richtig zackig um.
Damit zaehlt er sicher zu den Koennerdrachen fuer geschickte Haende. Großer Vorteil des Subvision ist der moegliche Einsatz bei ganz leichtem Wind und auch Indoor, wobei er alles kann, was der große Vision beherrscht. Die Waage kann Indoor auch demontiert und der Kite direkt an den Flugschueren geflogen werden. Da auch dieses Modell mit neuem Design kommen wird, sollten sich Liebhaber schnell noch bei ihrem Haendler einen klassischen Subvision sichern. "
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Skill Level: Expert and Master

Qualities: Ideal for Freestyle

Advice: If you are a freestyler then it is surely a kite to try

Conclusion: Technical kite which performs tricks in any part of the wind window, ideal for fliers who love freestyle

The SUBVISION is an ideal quad-line freestyler. It is a fast kite and able to do tight spins and rapid direction changes. Performs axels, multiple axels and snap stall without difficulty and has a good belly landing. It is not suitable for precision, but at the same time has a good forward and sideways control with leading edge upwards, a little more difficult with leading edge downwards. As its shape is a mixture between a rev and a delta it tends to fly best in a forward direction.

Tested by Guido Maiocchi

other SUBVISION webs:    
    gwtw, california (com) (english)

David B. GB
you can see a picture of the subvision on my website
(the zero wind quad page)

Gleaned from the GWTW Forums (again, thanks to David Barnby):
As soon as they arrived i built them up but they have been in the bag without attention until yesterday when i had a couple of hours, sunshine and extremely low wind.
for those of you that haven't seen the kite it is arrow (delta) shaped with the point (nose) of the kite ahead of left and right panels. assembly of the sub means unwrapping the sail which is made of what looks like ventex sewn to german build standards and establishing where the uprights (the lower end of which are permantly attached to the sail) connect with the leading edge. there are 2 conectors on the le's, the outer is for the upright and the inner is for a bracing rod that comes from the middle of one leading edge thru a centre t and across to the other leading edge. all the rods are solid 4mm carbon.
as i said, it was low wind, i had 35ft lines and extended handles on my 1.5sul and hooked them straight over to the sub. the sub has the same bridling arrangements as a rev. first take off was over braked, the kite went flat, 3d and although looking sweet, i couldn't do anything with it. i could find no combo sweet spot playing with the pigtails on the handles so i switched to revII handles with my pigtails set so that effectively the break was on 2inches
now i had some control. in the 1mph available the kite behaves truly as a cross between a 2 line delta and a rev. it is possible to take off, stall by pushing sharply forward and then doing a snap to get the kite to float around. it also exhibited great reverse flight ability, in fact it felt nore stable than forward and with its delta shaped le, i was doing spin turn take offs and tip to tip groundwork quite easily.
every now an then the wind would pick up a little and there would be some drive available. now we talking great fun, this is a smaller kite so precision is probably not going to be easy but i was having a lot of fun hovering at each angle and sliding it up and down and being small it is fast like a revII but at much lower wind levels
i rechecked the ksp website (for those of you looking, check out the thunderbird, if chilese dosen't want one i'll be amazed - i've emailed them already john) and in fact, they say this kite is intended for indoor / low wind use so next time out i will try some 10 or 15ft lines in zero wind, but i am also going to try it again as above in about 4mph if i get a chance.
also, this is the sub, they also have a full sized vision listed, more on this when it arrives

The subvision is really designed for low wind or even indoor so it is not really a compare with a revII. i have had a lot of fun with it in 5-6mph but it makes sense at this strength to get the full vision or a 1.5 out.
the obvious difference is that the vis family have noses from their delta shape so upside down launches are very different to revs, once a couple of feet off the ground they are very stable in reverse and it really is easier to do dual line things with these kites, laying it flat is no problem and most of my limited portfolio works too - it just looks so cool

I just got back from my village flying field. We had NO wind this morning. that means not even leaves rustling in the trees. I thought of the Mauler post asking re subvision being a low wind kite and decided to test it alongside an indoor rev.
If you check my attached site on the quad zero wind page you can see the pics my ten year old son took. The point of the pics is you can see there is no wind - alex is holding the indoor rev in the bottom pic and it isn't even moving (this kite is like a huge sheet of paper - alex could never hold it like that even in a whisper) and also if you know your revs, if there was any wind the indoor rev would be completely distorted in flight.
So after having a bit of fun with the IR i hooked the lines on to the subvision. This line set is a bit special, it is LPG Microline 4X50ft,#10lb and i was using indoor carbon rev handles. The subvision needed 2" less brake on the lines than the IR.
As you can see, the subvision flys wonderfully. The key differences at this level for me are that the sub is much easier to re-launch from flat to the ground positions, a sharp reverse motion with one handle effectively spins the kite on the ground and one part of it always comes high enough to bring the rest into the air - this seems to be because the construction of the kite keeps the shape unlike the rev which tends to fold rather than stay rigid. on the negative side the sub dosen't have quite the sail area of the IR so when laid out to maximise surface area it takes more to generate lift.
Andrew, very often, indoor kites are built smaller to keep weight down and maintain shape, it is always a trade off between surface area and weight i guess.
Smaller kites are inherently more difficult to do precise moves with and the revII is an example. In reasonable winds, a small move with a revII at the handles will generate a lot of action at the kite end, with a revI you can park that big bus out there and he ain't moving unless you send him a big signal - this translates to less oversteer when you are trying to slot into the right position etc.
Finally, the sub would be a good partner to a revII because then you would have a low and high wind quad. i must emphasise though, these kites are not easy to fly, in fact any zero wind activity requires developing skill. Just buying a light kite dosen't mean you can continue flying when the wind is gone, you have to learn how to do it. a couple of years ago the pics on my website would have not been possible for me unless i had a friend standing on a ladder or hanging from the village church spire holding the kite in the air.
Lastly, yes i do have the vision and subvision, my post yesterday related to the vision and i would equate the wind speed for this kite to a 1.5, exp, or shockwave.



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